How to Embed mp4 movie in beamer latex presentation
How to Embed mp4 movie in beamer latex presentation. It is very important to show the real time movei to present your work effectively. During a presentation we can show the movies embedded inside the pdf version of the talk/presentation without exiting the presentation mode. Here it is written how it is done: You have to use following package to include the movie : \usepackage{multimedia} and following command to embed the movie \movie[label=cells,width=5cm,height=4cm,loop,poster,showcontrols]{\includegraphics[width=5cm,height=4cm]{File_name.eps}}{File_name.mp4} where File_name.eps is the image which you want to show as the prewiew of the movie (this can be any frame of your movie or the screen shot if you do not have the frames in advance)and File_name.mp4 is the name of the movie. You must open the pdf version of your presentation in Okular. For your help I have made a directory for you which include *.tex, *.pdf, *.eps (logo and movie preview), and...